Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Evolution of Hip-Hop - 1215 Words

Evolution of Hip-Hop From where it started to where it is now, Cuban hip-hop has transformed greatly. Without the United States, hip-hop in Cuba certainly would not be where it is today. The United States is the hub of hip-hop and helped to jumpstart hip-hop in Cuba. While this is true, hip-hop in the United States completely differs from that of Cuba for the better. Even though hip-hop in Cuba did not start from much, the amount of development and influence this music has towards Cuba is immeasurable. Around 1970, 44 years ago, hip-hop emerged in the West Bronx of New York. The culture of hip-hop incorporates many aspects besides just the music itself, such as DJing, graffiti, breakdancing, and urban fashion. Hip-hop mainly started from DJ’s separating the break in rock, funk and other types of songs, as well as the MC playing a major role in the development of hip-hop. In between the songs that the DJ was playing, the MC would speak in between the songs, make jokes and many other actions in order to get the crowd riled up. This eventually led up to the practice of hip-hop to become more conventional, resulting in the forming of hip-hop. Kool DJ Herc did all of this in 1970, who is believed to be the one who started the emergence of hip-hop. At first, DJ Herc would deliver rhymes over reggae track; however, this did not engage people’s attention enough. Because the people were not engaged, DJ Herc had to find another way to satisfy the audience, which came from himSh ow MoreRelatedThe Evolution Of Hip Hop / Rap Essay1544 Words   |  7 Pagesthe reader on the evolution of Hip-Hop/Rap. The key points will be where it is today, how this genre of music is not only used as music; but is used as communication to connect with the listeners, how it affects people; physically, mentally and psychologically. 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